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Bulletproof – Business Security & Data Protection Solutions

Our own 24/7 UK Security Operations Centre

All Bulletproof services are run from our in-house UK Security Operations Centre (SOC), where we blend state-of-the-art technology with real-world security experience. Good security is second-nature to our cyber experts, who are independently certified by recognised industry bodies.

End-to-end ownership

At Bulletproof, we believe that end-to-end ownership of the service delivery drastically increases the strength of our cyber security services. Along with our in-house SOC, we also run our own data centres and private networks, with every aspect of our infrastructure regularly scanned and penetration tested. We're also certified to ISO 27001, 9001 and PCI DSS v3.2 standards, not to mention service-specific qualifications, such as CREST and Tigerscheme for penetration testing.

Trusted research to inform your 2021 strategy

The Bulletproof Annual Cyber Security Industry Report provides unique insights into why companies are struggling to keep up with the current threat landscape and how global challenges have revealed new opportunities for hackers.

Download the report to help strengthen your security posture for 2021 and beyond. Do that here

Outsourced DPO

A DPO is appointed to monitor internal compliance, inform on data protection obligations and act as a contact point for the supervisory authority and data subjects. The responsibilities of a DPO include:

  • Data breach support (including liaison with supervisory authorities)
  • Data subject access request support
  • Policy and procedure support and advice
  • GDPR/privacy advice and support
  • Support with Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs)
  • Risk assessment support
  • GDPR and information security training
  • Data mapping support and advice

Contact us here to discuss your business needs now